Sunday, July 27, 2008

I'm back! .. and bored now.

The pool party was fun - I love to swim so being in a pool for a couple hours was great. All the gals are a blast. We took a new pictures but I haven't downloaded them yet. Maybe that'll be something new to do. Does anyone have the problem when uploading pictures to the blog that it always sticks it in the very top??? No matter where I want it?? It's quite annoying. I can't move the picture, so then I have to move my text.

Stole this questionarre from one of my gals blogs. :) Thanks darlin'! :)

1) What do you add to your coffee? Non-Fat milk, splenda. Iced sometimes. Decaf all the time now. My favorite when I have the money is a Skinny, Decaf Cinnamon-Dolce Latte from Starbucks. Oh my yum.

2) What are you reading now? Book 5 of the Wheel-Of-Time series.

3) Do you own a gun? Nope. Dave has a shotgun, but it's not currently functional - it was his grandfathers.

4) Are you registered to vote? Actually no. *ducks* I've never registered for a ridiculous reason. Never been called for Jury Duty or any other government thing. I will agree with Obama in '08!! .. and he will likely be what finally makes me register.

5) Do you get nervous before doctor appointments? Most of the time not anymore. Used to though.

6) What do you think of hot dogs? Eh.. like them once in awhile, but not usually.

7) Favorite Christmas Song? Silver Bells and White Christmas. Love them.

8) What do you prefer to drink in the morning? Hot cocoa or coffee

9) Can you do push ups? HAHAHA!

10) What was the name of your first boyfriend/girlfriend? Uhmmmm.. first serious one, Brandon.

11) What’s your favorite piece of jewelery? My engagement ring. Platinum Tacori Ring, large dark blue sapphire round cut in the center with square cut (princess) diamonds lining the sides. Filigree on the sides of the ring. Dave did good. (although I did pick it out .. hehe).

12) Favorite hobby? Horseback riding, thank gawd I'm starting up again in Florida. Reading. Swimming. Scrapbooking. I can't pick just one. :)

13) Do you work with people who idolize you? Not really? Maybe? I kind of think if they idolized me it'd be odd. Most of my team really like me though. :)

14) Do you have ADD? Nope.

15) What’s one trait that you hate about yourself? Lack of self confidence when it comes to being around men I don't know. Drives me nuts. I'm getting better though.

16) What’s your Middle name? May

17) Name 3 thoughts at this exact moment? My middle name is my Grandmothers name. (see last question). Answering this question. Honey is sleeping.

18). Name 3 things you bought yesterday? Uhmmmmm.. thinking. Oh .. we went out to lunch. So, a beer, a margarita, and burrito. (not all for me).

19) Name 3 beverages you regularly drink? Iced coffee, crystal light, other random pre-flavored waters.

20) Current worry right now? Our move.

21) What side do you dress to? I'm not sure what this means either? If it's supposed to be one size?? Currently about an 18.

22) Favorite place to be? Home usually. Otherwise out with friends.

23) How did you bring in the New Year? Uhm.. crap. I can't remember. We did something ..

24) Where would you like to go? Arizona. I'd like to see my Mom, sister and nephew right now. I miss them all the time.

25) Name three people who will complete this? L already did, so no one else most likely. :) Unless I post it on MySpace too.

26) Whose answers do you want to read the most? Already read them. :) On L's

27) What color shirt are you wearing? hehe.. none. I'm usually a nudist when I'm at home. lol.

28). Do you like sleeping on satin sheets? Ewww.. no. Definitely not. We have two sets of 1000 count sheets we got from our Wedding. LOVE them.

29) Can you whistle? Yep, but not loudly.

30) Favorite colors(s)? Blue Blue Blue! :) Silver and Black as well.

31) Could you be a pirate? What a funny question. Sure! ... Why not! As long as I don't have to go into water I can't see the bottom of.

(side thought -- we interupt this questionnaire to say HOLY CRAP we're having a massive thunderstorm!!!!!! It ROCKS!!! ..

32) What songs do you sing in the shower? None that I can think of

33) Favorite girls name? I like Samantha a lot and I've always loved Rachel and Rebekah. :) Go figure .. mine and my sister's name.

34) Favorite boy’s name? Carter, Connor, Keith are a few.

35) What’s in your pocket right now? No pockets - I'm nekkid.

36) Last thing that made you laugh? Getting stuck in a little kids innertube this afternoon. LOL .. I just HAAAD to squeeze my shoulders through it one at a time. Dave had to pull it off. lmao. I'm such a silly dork sometimes.

37) Best bed sheets as a child? No clue. I think I had all solid colored sheets.

38). Worst injury you’ve ever had? Uhm, wow. I've had a few. The most painful was probably turning my ankle. I hairline fractured the ankle bone and tore two ligaments or tendons.. don't remember which now. I've broken several bones.. but tearing the tissue was by far the worst pain I've ever ever felt. My ankle still isn't the same. If I step wrong it turns over a bit still. Very frustrating. :P

39) Do you love where you live? No, it's way to expensive and I don't like the snow. I do love the people that I'm with around here though.

40) How many TVs do you have in your house? One in our apartment. Other's throughout our family's house below us.

41) Who is your loudest friend? Literally loud? Probably Dave. He's shy at times, but he get's literally loud a lot of the time when he talks. It's a habit formed because of my father-in-law being partially deaf.

42) How many dogs do you have? None. :( We're hoping to get one when we move to Florida though! :)

43) Does anyone have a crush on you? Dunno. Possibly?

44) What are the most fun things you ever did? Hmm.. camping with 1000's of people in Lumberton, MS. (SCA thing each Spring - best times ever). Flashing in New Orleans. :) LOL. With my lovely husband and his big burly friend to protect me. Deep sea fishing on our honeymoon. (even though we didn't catch anything). Probably many other things, but I can't think of others right now.

45) What are your favorite books? I dont have any huge favorites. I read a lot, but usually only read a book once. I did love the Gunslinger series from Stephen King - even though the very end kind of sucked. And a sci-fi series that was called Mallorean I believe.. that was an awesome series that I never wanted to end.

46) What is your favorite candy? Dark Chocolate now. It's one of the only ones I can eat. Preop, Twix.

47) Favorite Team? Patriots, Red Sox, and Mariners

48). What songs do you want played at your funeral? Up to my family on the songs or if they want to do a funeral. They know that I want to be cremated though and dumped somewhere that there are horses.

49) What were you doing at 12 AM? Sleeping

50) What was the first thing you thought of when you woke up? What time is it?

Thunderstorm is over now ... booooooooo!.. I love storms.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Hooray!!! I hit 50pds lost!! :)

Finally!!!!!!! :) This last month has been all about slooow losing; at least it has been compared to the weeks before that. This morning I was thrilled to see that I had hit my first big mini-goal! 50pds!! Wow!! 278pds down to 228pds. Just typing it looks cool! I took my measurements a few days ago as well. See below:

On May 12th: (the first measurements I took after surgery)
Bicep: 17.25
Neck: 15
Thigh: 32
Calf: 19.5
Saddlebags: 53.75
Hips w/ pooch: 52
Waist: 44.5
Under boobs: 39
Across boobs: 47

On July 24th: (a few days ago)
Bicep: 16.75 - loss of .5
Neck: 14.5 - loss of .5
Thigh: 30.5 - loss of 1.5
Calf: 19 - loss of .5
Saddlebags: 52 - loss of 1.75
Hips w pooch: 48.5 - loss of 3.5
Waist: 41.25 - loss of 3.25
Under boobs: 37.5 - loss of 1.5
Across boobs: 46 - loss of 1

Total inches lost so far: 14 inches. Yay! .. I don't know what the standard is but I'm super happy about it. :)

In other news, it's been a really really really difficult, stressful, and hard week for me. Probably one of the worst I've had in a very long time. It seemed that every day something more horrible or painful was happening than the day before. Several nights I thought about writing in my blog about it, but I just didn't feel like sharing the negativity I was feeling. Thursday I slipped into some very deep depression, Friday I slipped out in order to help a friend in need. (sometimes things happen for a reason). A dear friend of mine lost her mother this week. Something I can't even imagine the pain of happening; quite suddenly the sorrow I had felt all week long didn't seem that severe any longer. The wake and funeral were on Friday and Dave and I attended to offer our love and support. I felt for her; and again, I can't even imagine. My own mother is one of my best friends and currently I don't know how I would survive losing her. The thought scares me horribly. I try not to dwell on it.

On a happier note. Dave and I got a (ton* of moving stuff done yesterday. It doesn't show when we look around, but it was all things that really needed to be done. We took about 5 bags of clothes/shoes, 2 large boxes, an old aquarium set, and some boooks to a Thift Store. We donated an additional box of books to a struggling Used Book Store that we love thats located near by. We sorted through 2 large boxes of paperwork that needed to be filed or shredded (that took forever and we still have some of it to do). We also went to our storage unit and counted our current boxes to have a more accurate total to give to the moving company. (many more boxes than initially thought which will drive the price up .. but it's better to know that now).

Today is the second Get Together for my Bariatric Weight Loss group from online. We're having a pool party at one of the gals houses and I can't wait! It's going to be a blast. We all met at, an excellent and very supportive website of friends. (although I'm not a huge fan of the name of the site). Anyhow, we need to run -- time to grab the few things we need at the store and head to the party! :)

Monday, July 14, 2008


I haven't felt much like writing these last couple of days. I thought I'd at least stop by my "blogger dashboard" and say that I'm very bleh feeling.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Emotional - what a day.

Today was a perfect example of how emotional I get sometimes. I will say that I had good reason. Dave and I's move to Florida is coming up quickly, right now the official date is August 26th. For the first time today I typed that it's only about 6 weeks away and writing it brought out all the fear feelings again and the sadness over leaving.

I've worked in my position at my office for five years now and I'm very happy to say that the company is letting me telecommute from Florida so that I don't have to leave the company. In my time at the company I've moved up the chain through 3 positions and met so many wonderful people. Several of which I've known for the full 5 years and have a strong attachment to. One of those people, I totally sweet gal I know, came over and left a silly note for me on my desk this morning. I laughed and went over to get her but on the way the sadness of it hit me; that there'll be no more silly notes on my desk, that I can't walk over to her and joke around, that we can't go outside for the occasional sneaky-smoke, that I can't go to the bar after work with her for a drink .......annnnnnnd the tears came on big time. Not a very easy thing to hide, deal with, or be comfortable with in an office with more than 3000 people when you're in a leadership position! My friend and I disappeared outside for a bit for hugs, sneaky-smoke, and a talk and afterwards I hid in my cubby-hole of a desk until I got my emotions back under control. Tomorrow I have a 1 on 1 with my boss and I'm going to make it fairly clear that I don't want a goodbye / see-ya-later party at work. I know for a fact that I'll do nothing but cry through the whole thing. I'm a total sap and when it comes to facing the fact that I'm leaving several friends and people I'm close to, I just know I won't hold it together well.

On a happy note, my friend Barbara that I spoke about in a previous post is coming into Boston tomorrow for a visit! Hooray!!! I can't wait to see her. She's going to meet me at my office, we'll head to my place to change, and then it's into Boston for dinner and a couple of drinks. No big alcohol for me, maybe 1 Bloody Mary, for now that stuff is a big no no to stay away from mostly. Besides, we have to get up and work together in my office the next day. :) I don't think I mentioned in yesterday's post that Barbara and I met when I started training her as a member of my work team in the Windsor, CT office.

It's late and I'm off to bed.

Monday, July 7, 2008


I've been lucky to have several throughout my life. Many people who have made a difference by being there for me, helping me through a hard time, or just being that friend that is awesome to hang out and party with. Sadly some have been lost and even more sad is that some have been lost due to some form of extreme betrayal that I won't get into here - not now anyway. Happily, several I still have and I love and adore them all.

Sometimes you come across a new and very special friend that you have an immediate and awesome connection with, someone that just gets you, and tonight there's one specific person that I think about entirely when referring to this. Love ya B!

She and I come from very similar backgrounds, we share interests in the same things, I would swear sometimes we share the same brain, and from the first time we spoke we had an immediate connection that has only gotten stronger over the last couple of months. I told her within the first 2 weeks of knowing her that I felt like we must be soul sisters and I believe it now more than ever. I know I'd do all I could to protect her in any situation and I know she'll always be a person that I can laugh and be silly with. I know that if I need a shoulder to cry on some night or day she'll always listen and I know that if I just need someone to keep me company, even if it's on the phone, she'll always be there. I can only hope that she knows I would do all of the above and more for her at any time. Some might call me foolish to put that kind of faith in someone so quickly -- especially given my past -- but there are some circumstances you come across in life where you just know that it's the way it's supposed to be. This friendship is one of those things.

Tonight we laughed ourselves silly talking about TV shows, blogs, our work boyfriends(I'll explain sometime), pictures, etc. During one of those TV shows we were watching, we had moments of sitting in silence on the phone, just watching the show, and it was great! It's hard to explain - but I think I heard it said once that the way you can tell if you have a really really good and close relationship (with a friend / bf / husband / family / etc), is that while you can have an intellectual conversation with them, or a funny conversation when them, you can also sit in silence and enjoy just hanging out with each other.

B, if you ever read this, it may be cheeeeeeezy, but it's a blog all about you! You're freaking awesome and I'm thrilled beyond thrilled that we met! :)

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Catching up

I've been meaning to write more often, really really I have, but life has been incredibly busy and a bit stressful recently. I suppose the stress part would be all the more reason to write a bit more. :)

So .. I'm taking the time today to write quite a bit and catch up on a couple things that have happened recently.

1st - My weight loss:
Most know who are reading that I had a gastric bypass on April 21st, thats uhmmm, about 10 weeks ago now. As of this morning I've lost 37 pounds so far. WooHoo!!!! Everything else is going fairly well. I've had what some refer to as a 'grouchy pouch' the last couple of weeks, but this would probably start to settle down if I stopped trying to push some of the foods that my tummy just doesn't seem to except. For example, Protein bars: excellent source of my needed protein, some great ones low carb, low calorie, low sugar, low fat -- but my stomach hates them. I keep trying a few different ones and honestly I should really give that up. Roast Beef: *Any Kind* not just deli, but also cooked and sliced; who knows why but it makes me incredibly sick. Tummy hates it! .. I do fine with ground beef, steak, pot roast -- but roast beef -- the stomach will have none of it! .. so after the 3rd try I'm totally giving it up. (for now at least, maybe I'll retry in a couple of months - that's how the docs say to do it).

Part of this surgery is learning the different ways that my body will react and deal with things. Perfect example are the foods above. Another would be that I used to love to gulp down water, now I know that I need to drink it fairly slowly. Gulping water doesn't work when my little stomach can't keep up with draining the water out the other side.

I'm still very happy with my decision, even with the few struggles that I've had on and off. It hasn't been easy by any means, but I don't think any kind of weight loss is, no matter what way you approach it from.

2nd - Our move to Florida:
It's coming up and it's coming up quickly!!! The good news, a lot of my anxiety about going has gone away. In fact, I'm actually starting to get somewhat excited about going. (go figure) It's a new adventure, we'll be close to the boys, and the cost of living is going to be so much easier to manage! We found our apartment that we'll be living in. The complex has a site at for anyone who's curious. We're still unsure of the floor plan we'll have as we need to wait until August to know the exact availability, but it will definitely be one of the 2 bedroom floor plans. Ideally we'd like the last one on the list, "The Royal Palm". I'm going to *love* having a washer/dryer in the actual apartment and I really like the layout.
Ok so not a super long post, but at least a couple of updates are provided.