Although I'm still not really in the mood to write. I'm in enough of a mood that I feel like I can write somewhat. Who knows, maybe writing tonight will get my writing juices flowing again!
Life has been hard and it's been difficult to stay upbeat at times. Dave and I took the liberty of doing a couple of activites in January, his birthday and my horse show, and we're paying for it by not having any funds. Today I went to a Doctors appointment and had to ask for samples as I cannot afford to pay even a $10 copay. The Doctor I saw was wonderful, I plan in to send a great review about him; he set me up with a couple samples and then looked through his computer system to switch my prescription to a slightly cheaper version that I can get at the Walmart pharmacy. We have to wait and see if it works okay for me; my fingers are crossed.
I see my psychiatrist next week and I'm crossing fingers and hoping for the same thing. My copay for my most important medication, Depakote, is $40. $40! Right now, that's a huge amount of money to us. The problem is that while we've switched me off of Depakote in the past (for other reasons) it turned out to be a very bad switch. I'm not sure what we're going to have to do in this situation. I'm not a big fan of this physician or the office so I'm not even sure if she'll put forth the effort to help.
Dave continues to hunt for a job. Constantly. No matter how many resumes he sends out, there's little to no response. It doesn't matter if it's for Customer Service, Help Desk, or a Manager's position.
I *AM* grateful that we are still making it. I *AM* grateful that when it comes down to paying bills, somehow there's always just enough to make it. I *AM grateful that so far, I've not had to give up Rebel. I feel like that dear horse is one of the only things that keeps me sane half the time.
I still ride Rebel several days a week, but we won't be doing any more shows. Not unless Dave happens to land a job at some point in the next couple of months. The show season ends in April/May due to the heat in Florida. My hope is that by the time the show season starts up again (October/November) we'll be in a position to attend every monthly show.