Sunday, May 9, 2010

Meme: Sunday Stealing

1. What's your favorite Dr. Seuss book? Hmm.. Horton Hears A Who.. but probably only because of watching the recent movie.

2. If you could live in any home on a television series, what would it be? Mmm.. that's a hard one. Meredith's house on Grey's Anatomy is great. (but I've never really seen the yard) Wilson and Dr.House's condo is gorgeous (but I'm not a huge fan of having wall-to-wall neighbors.) I can't think of any series right now that has a gorgeous house on a big piece of land that would be good for a small horse barn. :)

3. What's the longest you've gone without sleep? A little over 48 hours.

4. What's your favorite Barry Manilow song? Don't know off the top of my head.

5. Who's your favorite Muppet? Don't know their names, but they're the twins that are on the wall that same,.. "Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm yepyepyepyep yep Mmmm.. YEP." Always thought they were hilarious.

6. What's the habit you're proudest of breaking? Smoking.. though it's an ongoing battle.

7. What's your favorite website? ER Stories. I have a few that I go to like it, but this guys is my favorite. Funny, gross, sad, amazing stuff.

8. What's your favorite school supply? Pens.

9. Who's your favorite TV attorney? Uh. Hmm.. the one from Law and Order SVU. I can't think of any others though. lol

10. What was your most recent trip of more than 50 miles? 50 miles or more one way? I think it was the move from Tampa up here to Gulf Breeze.

11. What's the best bargain you've ever found at a garage sale or junk shop? I found one of those awesome full cup blender sets that have six different cups, different drinking lids, different blending attachments for $5 at a garage sale. I can't find a nice set like that one for less than $50 online.

12. Where were you on September 11, 2001? Working at Steven's Hospital in Edmonds, WA.

13. What's your favorite tree? Pine trees. I love the smell, I miss the forests in Washington.

14. What's the most interesting biography you've read? Marilyn Mansons. Very trippy.

15. What do you order when you eat Chinese food? Most of the time Broccoli and Beef.

16. What's the best costume you've ever worn? Some of my SCA outfits. Corsets and big full circle dresses.

17. What's your least favorite word? Twat.

18. If you had to be named after one of the 50 states, which would it be? What a silly question. Uhm. Montana? .. Sure. Montana... that or Dakota.

19. Who's your favorite bear? Smokey. He prevents forest fires ya know!

20. Describe something that's happened to you for which you have no explanation. Meeting Sean so late in life. I wonder probably weekly why I couldn't have met him earlier in life. There's no explanation for it of course..... but all I can do is focus on how happy I am now. :)

21. If you could travel anywhere in Africa, where would it be? Anywhere. Quite literally. I think it would be amazing to go anywhere in Africa.

22. What did you have for lunch yesterday? Ihop. Eggs, Pancakes, Turkey Bacon.

23. Where do you go for advice? Sean, my Mom, or my sister Ris.

24. Which do you use more often, the dictionary or the thesaurus? Dictionary if you count word check in Microsoft Word. If not, then the thesaurus.

25. Have you ever been snorkeling? Scuba diving? Just snorkelling with my own cheapie equipment. I really really want to do more of both though! .. Ideally in some exotic places.

Update on Sean and Momma's Day

So, straight to the point. Sean is doing good and great and fine. The big scare is over and with a few life changes that he's making he should be on the road to much less risk. He started taking Wellbutrin to quit smoking, YAY!!!.. and so far after only 2 days its making a difference. Yesterday he only had 6 cigs I think, he said he just didn't have the urge to have any more than that. He's only taking 1 pill right now and after the first week can bump up to 2 pills. In addition, the Wellbutrin should help keep his stress level down. We're both starting to watch the more salty foods and fatty foods, cutting them back almost completely. This will help sodium levels and also assist in losing some weight for both of us.

The results from the hospital were very good. There is absolutely zero, none, zilch damage to his heart. As most people probably know, one of the scariest parts of any type of a heart attack, no matter how minor, is that it can do heart damage. They ran SOOO many tests while he was in the hospital to check everything and I'm very happy to say that they couldn't detect any damage at all. Plus, on a just as great note, he doesn't have any kind of blockage in the veins, vessels, arteries, etc.

I am unbelievably relieved and very happy with the answers and information that we received. I will say I am not at all impressed with the hospital he stayed in, but I won't go into that. All on the positive today. :)

It's Mother's Day!!!!!!! Happy Happy Mother's Day to my family and friends and everyone that reads this blog and is a Mom. Sean took his Mom and I out to an unbelievable Mother's Day dinner last night. It's a little italian restaurant that's a bit hidden in the back part of Pensacola. It's gorgeous and rustic - the food made me appreciate italian food in a way I never have before. I kid you not that each bite was like a little piece of heaven. Absolutely unbelievable. They buy all their ingredients fresh and it takes a little while when you order your food to get it because EVERY sauce they make for every plate they do from scratch! It ranges about $16 - 25 per plate, but I think it's very reasonable for what you get. The portions were HUGE and I have enough to make up another two small meals. The server knew Sean's family and was awesome, making it an even better experience.

Today we're going to brunch at Sean's Dad's country club for another small Mother's Day celebration. They booked almost 150 reservations for brunch which is super good for Dad's restaurant. (he doesn't own it, but his happiness and salary in his job really depend on good business)

Anyhow, bunches of other things have happened, like doing a 15+ mile trail ride for the local rodeo this last weekend!!!!.. It was insane fun! ... but I need to get going so I can do a few things and then get ready for brunch.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Exhausted and trying not to worry and waiting for answers

I can't believe it's really been 4 months since I last wrote in my blog. Craziness.

I had a plan to write a huge blog post tonight and catch up on all kinds of details... but... then I called my Mom and spoke with her for about an hour. Now I'm tired.

Very VERY short version of whats happening in life. Sean and I moved back to his hometown, the Pensacola-Gulf Breeze area, at the end of March because he got a job transfer. We're living with his parents while we save to move into an apartment. A I'm working at the Dr's office where his mother practices as a Nurse Practicioner making $9 an hour (ACKKK!).. but it's a great inbetween thing to pay the bills until I find a better job. I have an interview this Thursday. WOO! Living with his parents has its hard times, for both of us.

Sean has been overly stressed due to work, living with his family, his son, etc etc etc. That along with a history of heart problems has landed him in the hospital tonight. :( We don't currently know exactly what's wrong, we just know that his heart isn't very happy. His BP has been ranging from 150/90 to 175/98 at it's highest today. His heart rate has been between 90 and 102 regularly. A little info for those without any medical background, those numbers aren't immediately life threatening, but they're really NOT good and could be life threatening if not treated. So..... today his BP soared... he came into the Dr's office... Dr. W was concerned enough that she admitted him to the hospital. Don't worry, he's fine, right? Bah. How can I not worry? Yes, he is in great hands, he is currently doing good, but its impossible not to worry when the man I love dearly and completely is having heart problems. Maybe some would find it silly to say this at this point in the game, but I honestly don't know what I would do without him..... I can't even begin to imagine my life without him in it daily. Hell, I hate him being gone for one night. I miss him. I miss having his warm body next to me in bed. I miss the sound of his breathing. And damnit, I'm going to miss his snores waking me up occasionally tonight. *sigh* I'm keeping in mind that it's only one night (maybe more) and its by far for the best. He's in the best place he can be right now and hopefully we'll have some good answers by the end of tomorrow. Today they did a chest xray, ekg, blood work, and have some type of monitor hooked up to his heart that is keeping an eye on his heart rate 24/7. Tomorrow they at minimum have an echocardiogram (basically an ultrasound of the heart) and a stress test (he'll get on a treadmill to make the heart work hard while they monitor it) scheduled. Answers. We both will look forward to the answers.

I'm going to try (try is the operative word) to get some sleep.