1. Who is your best friend? I have to list three, Mom, Dave, B
2. How did you meet? Birth, Internet, Work
3. How long have you known each other? Lifetime, 6 years, 4-5months I think
4. Have you traveled anywhere together? Yes, Yes, No
5. Did you ever have a problem over a romantic interest that you shared? No, Yes (lets not go there), No.
6. Have you ever not liked your best friend’s choice of lovers? No, Yes, Yes
7. How long since you have seen your best friend? 5 months, Minutes, 3 weeks
8. Do you remember each other on birthdays and holidays? Yes, Yes, So Far. :)
9. What is the biggest fight that you have ever had? Mom = I honestly can't remember. We don't really fight. Dave = About a month before we moved, started as procrastination and erupted into a huge fight. I stayed with a friend for a couple days while we worked things out. It's all good. B = haven't had any big fights, had a disagreement on Friday, but we talked through it.
Friends rock. Some of many. I don't -- but I absolutely cherish the ones I do have.
You can choose your friends. You are lucky to be close with your mom...
Very nice meme answers. Have a great Saturday!
Saturday 9: Best Friends With Barbie
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