Most know that read here that I had RNY Gastric Bypass surgery on April 21, 2008. One of the reasons I chose the surgery was because of my lack of self control. The surgery to me has been and continues to be a weight loss tool that when I start to get off track kicks me in the ass and hard.
Things that have changed permanently:
My portion size, I can't and ideally will never again be able to eat more food than 1 cup and maybe eventually 2 cups at a time. Depending on how solid the food is this varies slightly. This is something I've been controlling well, especially recently, and it's something I'm happy with. Even when Dave and I go out somewhere to eat, I know I can simply take the other half or 2/3rds of my food home and have it later.
My ability to eat things with sugar and fat. Fat, no problem really, I've never really enjoyed fatty foods anyways. Once in a blue moon I get a craving for fries or a burger and in those times I can easily by a small fry and eat 10-15 of them and hand the rest to Dave. I can do the same with half of a Jr. Burger of some sort. The problem I do have, is with sugar or sweet things. Grr. It's still a battle for me, generally at least once on a weekly basis. Last week, Thanksgiving, I wanted a slice of that apple pie soooo bad; and I had it, along with a couple bites of pumpkin. Now, if I was smart about it I would've made something similar to pumpkin pie or apple pie, but sugar free, prior to going to Thanksgiving dinner. Of course, I didn't do that and about 15 minutes after eating I got sick. Sick involves getting cramps, a stomach ache, extreme tiredness and without being graphic an unpleasant 'end' result. It generally lasts about an hour start to finish.
Today, I did it AGAIN! .. except it was a craving for chicken nuggets and a kids size frosty. I mean, really?? I need a knock to the head. Generally I'm able to do a kids size frosty with little or no problem as long as I sip/eat it slow, however, mixed with fake chicken (5 piece) and bbq sauce (1 of them), not so much. *sigh* Anyhow, that was more than an hour ago.
I WILL learn not to do this to myself.
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