I've been sleeping a lot recently, mostly because I seem to have some kind of severe flu. The last two days I've slept about 16-18 hours out of a 24 hour day. Dreadful. I did see a Dr today that ran a bunch of blood tests - hopefully this is just the flu, but if not, we'll at least be able to address it quickly. I don't think it's anything major.

Anyways.. onto drumming.. tonight, as Dave and I were falling asleep very early (around 8pm) my mind was wandering a bit and sleep was hard to come by even though I felt exhausted. Then, I started hearing this noise, it sounded like, drumming ... what the? Dave was partially still awake and I said, "is that drums?", I received a very insightful, "ughhh, nuu.. hmm.. yuuuh, thik so". I listened awhile longer and was delighted to realize, yes! .. it was drumming! Not someone with a drum set drumming, but a few people drumming with singular (dumbek) drums and to a rythme that was obvoiusly drum circle drumming! I have a lot of friends on here that are in the SCA that know exactly what I'm referring to, and several other friends that probably have a good idea as well. I don't know where they came from, where they were, or why they were playing - but it brought a peace and happiness to my soul a few hours ago that helped me drift into a beautiful sleep. (to bad the sleep only lasted for 3 hours, lol).
Drumming automatically brings me memories of my favorite event each year, Gulf Wars. It's a week of pure happiness to me. It brings me happy memories of my SCA Family who I see so infrequently, but adore and love all the same. It brings wonderful memories of falling asleep every night to the sound of rythmic drumming.
It's difficult and somewhat impossible to explain to someone who hasn't experienced an event. I'll just say, it was a perfect few moments tonight before I drifted to sleep.
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