2. We go to an ice cream shop for an ice cream cone. You say you are buying and I am going to stay in the car. You ask me what I want and I say "surprise me", what kind of ice cream cone am I going to get? If I don't know you at all, I'm probably going to stick to something pretty basic or simple. If we've known each other for a while and you like chocolate, something fun for funky like Rocky Road, Mudslide, or Coffee Coffee Buzz Buzz Buzz.
3. You have a dream that your co-worker, friend or whoever is hit by a garbage truck after they back into a ladder with a black cat on it. The next day you see that person standing by a ladder with a black cat on it and there is a garbage truck driving down the road.... what do you do? Scream VERY loudly so I get their attention and get them to move far far away from the ladder, truck, cat, everything.
4. What is the most money you've won on a lottery or scratch off ticket? $100
5. A neighbor kid down the street comes to your door and offers to wash all of your windows outside for $10 - do you have him do it? Sure! I'll help out and clean windows are nice.
6. Go to Google Images. Type in the name of the last movie you saw. Post the first picture that comes up.
7. Your local animal shelter calls you and says there are 3 dogs that need an immediate foster home for 3 days. If you do not accept, the dogs are put down that day. Do you take them in? In a heartbeat, yes.
8. What is the messiest room in your home? Livingroom, by far.
9. Have you ever been to a wedding that participated in a strange tradition that you had never heard of? Yes, it was the receiption at a Thai wedding. During a dance, men (or women) would pin money to the brides wedding dress and dance with her for a few moments before the next person would pin money and start dancing with her. People were pinning $5, $10, $20, $50, $100 bills. I was young and thought it was SO cool.
10. Name one sport that you just don't get. Golf. I mean, I guess I understand why some people enjoy playing it.... but those who chose to watch it..... really people? I just don't get it. It's like watching paint dry to me.
11. What was the last email that came into your inbox about? It was the Marcaster Yahoo Group email, various posting from my SCA Group in the area.
12. Have you ever purchased anything from a sex shop? Extra points if you tell us what it was.... hahahahaha! Many times. Vibes and nipple clamps are two things I've bought that I'll tell you about.
13. Go back to that Google Images link... type in the last food item that you ate. Post the 2nd picture it comes up with.
14. Got any bumper stickers on your vehicle? What are they? nope, sure don't.
15. What meme question do you wish was never asked again? Hmmm... I don't really like it when a meme asks about when the last time I cried was, and why.
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