Sunday, November 29, 2009

Sunday Stealing - Tell me about yourself

1. When is your birthday? May 25th

2. Where were you born? Portland

3. Where do you live now? Largo

4. What is your heritage? German and other stuffs

5. Tell us about a weakness. I tend to be naive and too nice sometimes; sadly this means that I'm taken advantage of sometimes.

6. What's a goal that you'd like to achieve? Being able to do some high-level horse showing.

7. What is the most overused internet phrase? probably "LOL"

8. What was your first thought this morning? I don't think much when I first wake up. haha.

9. When do you usually go to bed? Varies. A LOT. Anywhere from 9pm to 12am usually.

10. Do you smoke? If not, did you ever? Very rarely, sadly I can't say that I've 100% kicked the habit. However I do not smoke regularly and haven't for a few years.

11. Do you like your current relationship status? Yes. :) Though we're both hoping to move forward to another level fairly soon.

12. Do you (or did you) get along with your parents? Yep

13. How often do you drink alcohol? About 1-2 times a month.

14. Have you ever tried drugs (that weren't prescribed)? Yep

15. Have you ever gone skinny dipping? If yes, do tell. hahaha. Yes, a few times. Y'all don't need the details. ;)

16. If given the choice, how would you like to die? In my sleep, peacefully, painlessly. That or eaten by a shark, yeah, that'd be cool.

17. What did you want to be when you grew up? Veternarian

18. Have you ever been dumped? Yep

19. What's on your pizza? Everything except green peppers or anchovies. I love fully loaded pizzas.

20. Have you ever shoplifted? Yep


Bud Fisher said...

Changing the level of your relationship? Watch out for level 3... It's a doozie!

Zaudika said...

@ Bud - ya know, I rewrote that line at least five times and no matter what I did it sounded retarded. haha!