If someone has read all of my blog, or knows me, they know that I had Gastric Bypass in April 2008. My weight at the time of surgery was 278. (My highest weight had been 290 but I lost some prior to surgery). My weight about 1 year after surgery was 178. I lost exactly 100 pounds from my surgery date. My initial goal had been to reach 160, but I never fully reached that goal. I think when I hit the 100 pound mark my mind had this celebration of happiness and I just started to maintain at that weight.
Over the last 4 years I have mostly maintained that weight. I'd bounce up to 182, then back to 178, then up, then down. I was good with that.
However, something changed in the last 6 months and weight has started to sloooowly creep back on. I can probably attribute this in part to some fairly severe stress over the last few months and to some medication changes as well. Regarding meds: I've been on all kinds of hormones as Sean and I have been trying to get pregnant (unsuccessfully). Regarding stress: Well, trying unsuccessfuly to get pregnant is definitely stressful, especially since I'm about to turn 37. In addition, Sean's father passed away in a horrific accident about 9 months ago. (I haven't written about it in my blog as of yet). I was close to my father-in-law and it's left a hole in my heart to have him gone and it's been even harder on Sean and his mother. Sean and I moved back in with his mother after his father passed, which is stressful in all kinds of ways for both of us. We miss having a home. OUR home. His Mom is a wonderfully loving woman, but she's also very very overbearing. Between the stress, meds, and not watching what I eat, I regained to 192. Not horrible, but definitely losing that 'maintaining' control.
3 weeks ago I started changing my way of eating again. I started writing down everything I put in my mouth. I try to keep my calories below 1200 daily. I'm trying to get additional exercise as well and have succeeded on some weeks! This morning I was 188.2. The loss has been slow, but it's happening!
This weekend is going to be extremely challenging to stay on track. Sean and I are going to New Orleans for my birthday. This is something we've wanted to do for a couple years. We have a hotel for 2 nights and plan to enjoy ourselves to the fullest! I plan to try and watch what I'm eating, but I'm also not going to restrict myself completely. My hope is that the extreme amount of walking and maybe !dancing! will help burn off some of those extra calories I eat.
One day soon I'll come back her and write a blog specifically about my father-in-law. I've thought about it a few times, but haven't been able to bring myself to do it as of yet.
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