Tuesday, January 7, 2014

4-5 Days of Monthly Woes

On a side note before I start writing about today, I find it amusing that I 'planned' to write the entire time I was in Ireland. I successful wrote ...once. haha. I should really take time to sit down and write a large entry about the trip. Maybe soon. Doubtfully today.

I'm at work and shouldn't be writing, but I'm considering this part of my 15 minute break.

I hate 'that time of the month'. Aside from the bloating, cramps, and yuckiness, my biggest irritation is my mood. I'm always, ALWAYS grumpy the first day or so of my monthly visitor. I don't get PMS, I get DMS. (During Menstral Syndrome instead of PRE Menstral Syndrome).

I started last night and right on schedule I woke up quite literally in a bad mood. It's very irritating to wake up with no reason to be upset, yet very much, upset.

My dear husband who is a very very happy morning person (I am NOT a morning person in general) happened to be bounding around our apartment this morning more happy than usual. I made a solid attempt to ignore him as he bounded into our room after his shower and swung his towel around his back making "swoosh, swoosh" sounds loudly, waving his arms like he was cross-country skiing in naked craziness. I couldn't help but laugh a little but then told him that I woke up in a bad mood and didn't have any good reason for it. He stated in his best Batman bad guy Bane voice, "Perhaaaaaaps, it's cause you're on the raaaaaaag.". I promptly glared at him and told him he was NOT helping. Admittedly I'm smiling as I remember it now. He does an excellent Bane voice.

I love my husband and I love his desire to always make me smile or laugh if I'm having a rough day.

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