Woke up to finding out that 5 of my 10 team were out today. 2 had accidents over the weekend - fairly bad ones, 1 was sick, 1 is scheduled on vacation, and 1 was in meetings after 10am due to new projects that he's taken on. (without speaking to me about them first). Argh! We got through the day and that part is great. Tomorrow will be a better work day.
I saw my Rebel man today. We had a good ride, however, prior to riding he decided to almost try and kill me. hehe. I can laugh about it now because it's okay, but at the time it was very bad. Keep in mind that this is my calm and docile gelding that never acts up. So, get to the barn, I'm in his stall cleaning like usual. He's hanging out in the stall like usual. Except this time his neighbor, a young palomino gelding decided to stick his head around his door and into Rebel's space. Then, all holy hell broke loose. Rebel dived at him, knocking me into the wall, both had their teeth bared and they were screaming like a couple of stallions. Ridiculous! I got bumped into the wall a few more times as he lunged and then I shoved the wooden handle of the pitchfork type tool into his ribs. He moved over and after a few more threatening gestures from me calmed down. Needless to say, I put his halter on and took him OUT of his stall before I finished cleaning. The funny part is I guess when I was shoving him away and pissed I screamed, "Absolutely not exceptable! You had your balls cut off 2 years ago, no more acting like a retarded stallion!!!". I remember yelling at him, but my fear had kind of taken over at that point so I hadn't remembered what I yelled. The gals at the barn gave me a bit of a tease over it for the night once they found out that I was okay. Anyhow, this was totally out of character for Rebel, he truly is incredibly easy going with both humans and other horses. After talking with his owner for a bit I found out that the only time he gets aggressive is with young stallions or geldings - in this case the palomino is a 2 year old. So ... now I know. It just never became an issue as the little palomino generally keeps his head in his own stall and out of site.
Anyway ... onto other things. Time for the Manic Monday Meme!!!
How many hours of TV do you watch per week? Probably close to 20 hours that I actually watch throughout the week. Give or take a couple. I'd say that at minimum half those hours are keeping the TV on in the background for noise.
Do you feel that's too much, not enough or just right? Borderline too much, but not as bad as some. I have 5 shows I tend to watch weekly, the rest is noise or boredom and I could go with or without it.
Which of the 5 senses do you feel is your strongest sense? From the standard senses, my sense of smell. I'm always picking up things that other people don't.
What's the wackiest belief you held as a child? I thought cartoons were real, could feel real pain, real pleasure, etc. At one point I even spoke to my Dad about how "Dumbo" was being abused in his movie and it upset me. This lasted for me for way to long - I was around 10 yrs old when reality started to set in. My sense of what was real and what was not set in late for me. My Mom and I have analyzed it a bit before on why that might have been, but it's not really a concern now.
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