This is a nice and long one which is perfect because it's what I was in the mood for. Sunday Stealing is located at: It's a wonderful Sunday activity in which the person who owns the site goes hunting for other random Memes I have to say, I think they're typically some of the best.
LAYER 1: Tell us your...
* Name: Rachel
* Birthday (month, day): May 25th
* Birthplace: Portland, OR
* Current location: Largo, FL
* Eye color: Blue
* Hair color: Brown
* Height: 5'7"
* Righty or lefty: Lefty
* Zodiac sign: Gemini
LAYER 2: What's...
* Your heritage: Irish and German
* The shoes you wore today: When I had some on, stable boots for riding, but I didn't go much of anywhere except to the barn today.
* Your weakness: Food, it always will be.
* Your fears: Spiders, dying young, missing something important.
* Your perfect pizza: fresh mozerella(sp), tomatoes, artichoke hearts, fresh ricotta
* Goals you’d like to achieve: Reaching 160pds. Secure financial security. The ability to retire at 65. (I'm 32, but I think about it all the time).
* Your first waking thoughts: UGH!!!! It's morning. I HATE mornings.
* Your best physical feature: Eyes, always been my eyes.
* Your most missed memory: Wow, this is a hard question for me. I've lost tons and tons of memories. I generally can't remember the details of something for more than a year or two and I hate it. Dr's state its a block I put up long ago. Anyhow, without going into extreme detail I can remember an event happening. (the birth of my son), but I have no memories of the details. I take tons of pictures of everything to help with this.
LAYER 3: Do you...
* Smoke: rarely, but once in awhile still
* Cuss: hell yes, probably too much.
* Sing: yep! but almost only when I'm alone.
* Take a shower every day: most of the time
* Do you think you’ve been in love: Yea
* Did you go to college: Briefly, no degrees though.
* Liked high school: hated it in every way possible.
* Want to get/stay married: Yes
* Believe in yourself: Yes, I've struggled with this, but more and more I do.
* Think you’re attractive: Eh, working on this, but yes definitely more than a year ago.
* Think you’re a health freak: Nope, I just try to make good choices about my food.
* Get along with your parent(s): Very much so.
* Like thunderstorms: Absolutely love them.
* Play an instrument: Used to play piano. Still can, just not well.
LAYER 4: In the past month have you…
* Drank alcohol: yes
* Smoked: yes
* Done a drug: yes
* Made out: yes
* Gone on a date: yes
* Gone to the mall: yes
* Eaten an entire box of Oreos: no
* Eaten sushi: yes
* Been on stage: no
* Been dumped: no
* Gone skating: no
* Gone skinny dipping: no
* Stolen Anything: no
LAYER 5: Have you ever…
* Played a game that required removal of clothing: yes
* Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: yes
* Been caught “doing something”: yes
* Been called a tease: yes
* Gotten beaten up: no, been hit and slapped, but I haven't been 'beaten up' by my thoughts of the term.
* Shoplifted: yes
* Age you did get/hope to be married: 31
* Numbers and names of children (either you have or want): 1 son, 2 stepsons. Son was adopted after he was born, open adoption so I still have contact, his name is Carter. Two stepsons live about 5 minutes away. Devon and Ian.
* Describe your dream mate: Romantic, supportive, honest.
* How do you want to die: Peacefully, painlessly.
* What did you want to be when you grow up: Vet. I started, but stopped during my first internship, I couldn't handle how horrible some people were to their animals. I've thought about going back and restarting now that I'm older.
* What country would you most like to visit: This is hard as there are so many. One that tops my list is Italy.
LAYER 7: Now tell...
* Name a drug you’ve taken illegally: Marijuana
* Name a person you could trust with my life: Dave
* Name a favorite CD that you own: Lincoln Park - Hybrid Theory
* Number of piercings: Only 4 currently. Used to have several. Two holes each ear. One in the lobe of each ear and one in the trakus of each ear.
* Number of tattoos: 1 - dark faire on my left ankle. A lot of meaning behind it too.
* Number of times my name has appeared in the newspaper: Not sure? Maybe once or twice but I dont know of any distinctive times.
* Name a past experience that you regret: I try not to regret any, but I do have one that I would like to eventually get past. I regret not being strong enough to walk away from my ex, it's been 8+ years, yet it's always bugged me, I hope someday it doesn't.
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