1. The phone rings. Who will it to be? Hmm, at this time of the night, my sister or Cait probably.
2. When shopping at the grocery store, do you return your cart? No, most of the time I don't. *blush*
3. In a social setting, are you more of a talker or a listener? Really depends on the day or my mood. The majority of the time the listener.
4. Do you take compliments well? Not really, I get pretty bashful with compliments.
5. Do you play Sudoku? Yeah, but I'm bad at it.
6. If abandoned alone in the wilderness, would you survive? Overall it depends on what I had with me, but yeah.
7. Did you ever go to camp as a kid? Yep!
8. What was your favorite game as a kid? I don't really remember. I did like this one family game we played called "The Farmer" or "Farmer's Market" or something.
9. If a sexy person was pursuing you, but you knew he was married, would you? Absolutely not.
10. Could you date someone with different religious beliefs than you? Yes
11. Do you like to pursue or be pursued? Good mixture of both.
12. Use three words to describe yourself? Emotional, Empathic, Happy
13. Do any songs make you cry? Oh heck yeah.
14. Are you continuing your education? Not currently.
15. Do you know how to shoot a gun? If handled one I could shoot it, but I probably wouldn't hit a target.
16. Have you ever taken pictures in a photo booth? Yep.
17. How often do you read books? Used to all the time, haven't started one recently.
18. Do you think more about the past, present or future? A good mixture of both. Though I probably shouldn't think about the past so much. :P
19. What is your favorite children’s book? Any Dr. Suess
20. What color are your eyes? Blue
21. How tall are you? 5'7"
22. Where is your dream house located? Not really sure actually.
23. If your house was on fire, what would be the first thing you grabbed? I'd make sure Sean was awake and on the way out too then probably one of my boxes of memories / photos. If I had time a few additional clothes other than what was on my back.
24. When was the last time you were at Olive Garden? About a month ago with Sean.
25. Where was the furthest place you traveled today? Up the street to Home Depot.
26. Do you like mustard? Yes
27. Do you prefer to sleep or eat? I have to chose one!? We need both peeps!
28. Do you look like your mom or dad? More like my Mom I think.
29. How long does it take you in the shower? If not doing any shaving of legs and such, about 5 mins.
30. Can you do the splits? Nope.
31. What movie do you want to see right now? Angels and Demons, didn't get to see it in the theatre, waiting for it to hit DVD.
32. What did you do for New Year’s? I totally can't remember. Eeek!
33. Do you think The Grudge was scary? Yes, wont watch it.
34. Do you own a camera phone? yes.
35. Was your mom a cheerleader? no.
36. What’s the last letter of your middle name? Y
37. How many hours of sleep do you get a night? I'm in bed for at least 8, but generally only sleep 6 or 7.
38. Do you like Care Bears? Loved them as a child.
39. What do you buy at the movies? Try not to buy more than my ticket and sneak some cheaper stuff in if I can.
40. Do you know how to play poker? Yep!
41. Do you wear your seat belt? Yes!
42. What do you wear to sleep? Nothing
43. Anything big ever happen in your hometown? Yea.
44. How many meals do you eat a day? 4-6 depending on how good I'm being.
45. Is your tongue pierced? No, but it used to be.
46. Do you always read MySpace bulletins? Not always, but I look at them when I log on.
47. Do you like funny or serious people better? Funny. :)
48. Ever been to L.A.? Yep.
49. Did you eat a cookie today? No. Ooo... I want a cookie.
50. Do you use cuss words in other languages? I have before.
51. Do you steal or pay for your music downloads? Uhm. I plead the 5th?
52. Do you hate chocolate? No?!?! I love my chocolatey goodness.
53. What do you and your parents fight about the most? We don't really fight.
54. Are you a gullible person? Oh yeah.
55. Do you need a boyfriend to be happy? Nope.
56. If you could have any job (assuming you have the skills) what what would it be? Professional Horse Trainer.
57. Are you easy to get along with? I think so.
58. What is your favorite time of day? Middle of the day. More awake, but not tired from the long day yet.
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