Monday, October 5, 2009

Meme for Monday and other stuff

Why is the Manic Monday Meme always so short? I think that it's supposed to inspire longer and more creative writing, but I've got to say, after going through a mind numbing, exhausting, not wanting to be there because it's Monday workday -- the furthest thing from my mind is writing my intellectual <--(I'm so spelling that wrong) thoughts on something. (just saying...)

Even so, here we go:
Do you read an actual print newspaper? If so, how often? Nope.

What is your main source of news? I get CNN updates in my work email, I see the headlines on the front page of Yahoo, and once in awhile I watch a portion of the evening news on TV.

Do you believe that it's possible for the media to be unbiased? No. I think it's possible that a person can write an article from an unbiased standpoint. However, verbally, visually, and personally on the inside I don't believe a person reporting on the news is going to be unbiased.


On another note. Life seems to be going pretty darned good. Random lists of updates.
-Dave and I are offically divorced.

-Sean and I are living together and talking about our futures a lot. I'm happy. I'm excited for him to come home every day. I can't get enough time with him. He expresses the same feelings constantly and I love it. We're both aware that the giddy twitterpatted stage doesn't last forever ..... but the happiness and love ... I don't feel like that will overall ever fade. We're seriously like two teenagers a lot of the time and I can't even begin to say how much fun it is to have someone that has a goofy silly personality so insanely similar to mine. I think he might even be weirder than me sometimes. I love it.

-I'm currently working with a new horse named Suzie. Funny, I've said I don't like appaloosa's and I don't prefer mares. She's both. AND .. she's amazing. Sean loves her and treats her like a pet dog. It's adorable. He gave her a treat a couple days ago and told her to "sit", like he was talking to a dog. I crap you not. "Sit!". It's hysterical. I love it. I love him. I love them. :) She's for sale and I so wish we could purchase her. She's 3 yrs old and has a lot of potential.

-I was riding a horse named Red for about a week. She also was a mare. (weird). Except she was a thoroughbred. WOOT! She's definitely for an experienced rider, but she was oh so sweet. Unforunately she was not treated well for several months and is now on stall rest for several months. Long story short, she was given away to someone else today and I couldn't be happier. Her current owner was not physically abusing her, but by not taking care of her was inflicting abuse.

-Today I let my Mom know that Sean and I were living together. Ugh. Ouch. I hate hurting her and making her sad ... and it did. However, I hate lying to her even more. She'll adjust and she'll be okay, we just have very strong different view points on this matter. I love her dearly and she's one of my best friends; we'll work through this too.

Oooooooooooooo.. Sean just texted me he's going to make Top Ramen when he gets home from work and he's not sharing. I've got a wicked craving now. I'm so making my own. Muahaha.

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