Thursday, January 9, 2014

Thursday Thirteen - I need to write more

I desperately need to find my motivation to write more. I also have many things that I *need* to write about, but haven't yet. My Thursday 13 is devoted to those things I need, want, should write about. Perhaps if I look back on this list I'll actually write about some of them!

1) My trip to Ireland

2) My wedding day! .. I'm going to forget these details! It's already been more than 2 years!

3) My father-in-law, he was very special to me and passed more than a year ago.

4) My family - they're SO important to me.

5) My infertility journey - we've been trying to have a baby for approximately 2 years.

6) My horse - she's always fun to write about

7) My husband - I already tend to refer to him quite often, but it doesn't hurt to mention it. :) He's pretty amazing after all.

8) My trip to Belgium. This should've been #2, duh! ..It was at the same time!

9) My work - I mentioned this a couple posts ago. My work is quite amusing and interesting at times.

10) Other Memes. They get my mind-juices flowing.

11) My emotional struggles. I struggle with anxiety and depression. It's going to pop-up here sometimes. Although for the most part I prefer to steer away from negative posts.

12) The sweet boy I gave birth to. My son, who has another Mom and Dad. :) He was adopted when he was born in 2000, but I still hear from his family (and HIM recently!!!) a couple times of a year.

13) Uhm...... Really? I ran out of ideas at number 13... so... EVERYTHING ELSE! .. goes in this category. :D

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