Monday, December 1, 2008

Meme: Manic Monday #144

Taken from Website:

It's "Cyber Monday" today, the ceremonial kick-off of the holiday online shopping season in the United States. Do you do much online shopping, holiday or otherwise? Both Dave and I do a moderate amount of online shopping. The most shopping we do online is generally during the Holidays. Our families live all over the US and it's much easier to have a store ship it to their location rather than buy it locally and then ship it locally; plus a lot of the time you can get free shipping online.

Are you a Mac or a PC user? Why? PC User. It's what I grew up with, it's what I know and am comfortable with. Dave has worked with Mac's a lot since he worked with computers in several stores, but we haven't bought him one as they tend to cost a lot more than PC's.

What website do you spend more time on than you care to admit? MySpace.

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