Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Almost through the End of the Year Holidays

It's a short post ... sorry, I just haven't felt much like writing recently.

Christmas was good. My sister asked me to describe the day to her in 3 words; I believe I said, "fun, great, and lonely." It was SO wonderful to have my Mom with me. I'm still enjoying her company now. However, I'm used to a big family, lots of happiness, lots of nice, lots of hugs, lots of tradition, lotsa lotsa lotsa. I missed it this year. I took for granted the couple of times in the last few years that I spent Christmas Day with Dave's family -- I had lonely moments then as well, but it was still a larger adult group and we had a lot of fun. I really am working to not focus on the negative but I seem to use my blog to vent a lot. It was really amazing to have the boys on Christmas morning, it was a good time and they were loud and silly and excited. I'm glad that Lisa (Dave's ex-wife) was so kind to let us have them Christmas Eve and morning.

Anyways, I'll likely write more about all this sometime soon. It's midnight and Dave, Mom, and myself need to head off to bed.

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